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  • Emma Williams

Fighting Friends - HDKI Comp 2019

We have been attending the HDKI woman’s competition for a couple of years now and every time has been successful. As with all comps we have taken lots away to work on and this year was no exception.

Six female competitors represented the AKA along with Sensei Emma Williams as coach and Sensei Keith Williams as the AKA representative Referee attended the female only HDKI competition. This competition attracts many seasoned competitors such our new friends, those of the HDKI Irish team and our long term friends from HDKI Plymouth Dojo.

Our first gold of the day came in the junior Kata event from Millie Turnbull Woodford from the Isle of Wight club. This is a perfect platform for Millie to begin her competition career and gain the mat experience she needs to progress.

The senior ladies then continued the medal tally with Seren Evans bagging a respectable 4th place with Nujishiho kata and a silver in the ‘Kata lottery!’ (Getting three people from different associations/clubs to do team kata together with only a couple of practices!)

The kumite ended the day with Bethany Arnold achieving gold, Seren Evans and Victoria Street winning bronze medals in their respective categories. Medals are always a lovely addition when entering a competition but these are not possible without hard work, dedication and commitments from the people that surround you. Sometimes things go your way and some times they don't. We are proud of the efforts of Nicky Porter and Amber Williams who both stepped up and fought like lionesses against some tough opposition. Nicky also a big heart felt thanks for driving some of the team up on the day to help ensure others could takepart.

There’s no greater reward than feeling humbled and knowing there is more work to be done for everyone including the senseis, well done everyone, here is to keeping moving forward OSS.

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